
This scheduler really helped me deploy my papermill notebook apps.

The code I use for scheduling a notebook is pretty much straight from the docs.

from prefect import Flow, task
from prefect.schedules import CronSchedule
import papermill as pm

#wrap your function with the @task decorator
def etl():
#For more information on scheduling see the section Cron Time in the Cron chapter
with Flow('ETL',schedule =CronSchedule('* * * * *') ) as flow:
    etl = etl()


Since I use a pipenv environment, i do pipenv run python in my terminal. The terminal should look like this. (Although it wont look exactly like a code file with the numbers, YYYY-MM-DD will be replaced by actual dates, etc.)

ubuntu@ip-xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx:~/hn_app$ pipenv run python etl/

Loading .env environment variables…
[2019-06-28 05:01:25,631] INFO - prefect.Flow | Waiting for next scheduled run at YYYY-MM-DDT09:00:00+00:00

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